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La Vengeance d’Althéos


Trespassed by treachery in the fatal labyrinth of King Minos, Theseus, your noble brother, died a hero. From the dark realm of Hades _ the realm of the dead _ the ghosts of your ancestors claim vengeance and dispatch Hermes, the messenger of the gods, to urge you to undertake this mission. Because YOU are Altheos, this brother who must avenge Theseus. For this, you will travel through the harsh lands of ancient Greece. You will face its wild seas. You will fight its demons, its mythical creatures and its powerful monarchs. Courageous Altheos, will the gods be favorable to you?

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are the only accessories you will need for this adventure. Only you will decide which route to take, which risks to run and which creatures to fight. Well, good luck…

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Book titleLa Vengeance d’Althéos
Edition nameV1c
Original titleBloodfeud of Altheus
Publication date1986-07
ISBN 102070333515
ISBN 139782070333516
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