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Les Sombres Cohortes


Hundreds, thousands of Orcs and Goblins: such is the army which the Demon Sooty - a servant of those Demon Princes who were thought vanquished forever - gathered in the Forest of Demons and about to smash into Allansia. You have recruited a fine army to stem the advance of these chaos hordes. Cheered by the people of Fang, your troop sets off, yellow banners emblazoned with a flaming sword flapping in the wind. Now it's up to you to take on the responsibilities of warlord...and reap the glory!

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are the only accessories you will need for this adventure. YOU alone will decide which route to take, which risks to run and which creatures to fight. Good luck…

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Book titleLes Sombres Cohortes
Edition nameV2a
Original titleArmies of Death
Publication date1999-01
ISBN 102070509222
ISBN 139782070509225
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