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Complot sous la Terreur


Young Commissioner of the Republic, you learn that your brother, accused of fomenting a plot against the Revolution, has just been imprisoned in the Conciergerie.

Certain of his innocence, you then begin a long investigation which will take you from Vendée to Strasbourg.

But here you are caught between two fires: that of the counter-revolutionaries who set many traps for you, and that of the revolutionaries whom you must convince, in order to prevent the ax from falling on your head...

To play with the books in the Stories to Play collection, all you need is a pencil, an eraser and a die, the only equipment needed to go on an adventure.

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Book titleComplot sous la Terreur
Edition name1s print | E3
Original titleComplot sous la Terreur
Publication date2018-09
ISBN 102376360137
ISBN 139782376360131
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