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Défis sanglants sur l’océan


Located at the extreme north of the Inner Sea, the city of Tak, haunt of cutthroats, pirates, buccaneers of the worst kind, enjoys a terrible reputation. Of all the pirates who haunt this port, you are recognized as the most formidable. But you share with Abdul the Bloodthirsty this dark honor. A sharing that is not made to please either of you. So you have decided on a bet: the first of you two who will reach the island of Nippur, in the South Sea, having amassed the most considerable treasure, will be crowned King of the Pirates. Looting, boarding, robbery… anything goes! Hoist the sails of the Terrifiante without delay, and fair winds!

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are the only accessories you will need for this adventure. Only you will decide which route to take, which risks to run and which creatures to fight. Well, good luck...

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Book titleDéfis sanglants sur l’océan
Edition nameV1b
Original titleSeas of Blood
Publication date1987-05-19
ISBN 102070333507
ISBN 139782070333509
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