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Dans l'Enfer de la Jungle


You are Lone Wolf, last Master Kai of Sommerlund. Your quest takes you deep into an unexplored jungle, in search of the Ohrido Stone of Wisdom. A most secret mission. But you will not be alone: Païdo, illustrious warrior and formidable magician, will accompany you in lands devastated by war to find the Lost Temple of the Ancient Magi where the Stone is hidden. You'll cross a terrifying swamp and your enemies won't make it easy for you!

You alone will make the decisions useful to the success of your mission and, to lead the fights, you will only need the Table of Chance appearing in this work.

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Book titleDans l'Enfer de la Jungle
Edition nameV4a|1st print
Original titleThe Jungle of Horrors
Publication date2013-03
ISBN 10207067398
ISBN 13978207067392

En 4ème de couverture, présence du logo anniversaire de la collection (1983-2013 - 30 ans d'aventures. 

In the same serie