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Le livre des règles


This Book of Rules will introduce you to a new universe: Adventure, the world of THE BLACK EYE .

You will know its laws, its inhabitants, its monsters as well.

It will allow you - you and your friends - to create your own character who could be an adventurer, a magician, an elf... to create a Hero according to very specific physical and intellectual characteristics, whose role will be to seek lost treasures, to rid Aventurie of evil beings, under the direction of another player who will have the role of guiding the heroes: the Master of the BLACK EYE .

Knowing well the rules that govern theBlack Eye , you can then take your first steps in Adventure thanks to the Book of Adventures , before facing the dangers that await you in The Source of Death , The Caliph's Daughter , The Forest of no return , The River of Disaster , The Seven Magic Cups and At the Inn of the Black Boar .

Translation by Google Translate

Book titleLe livre des règles
Edition nameV1C
Original titleDas Buch der Regeln
Publication date1987-11-16
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