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L'Oeil D'Emeraude


When you were exhausted in a sordid inn in Fang, and were about to give up all hope, luck seems to smile on you again: a priceless golden dragon is hidden under the Forest of Darkness! But in a maze even more dreadful than Fang's. Are you determined to face all the creatures that inhabit it? If so, a word of advice: don't trust anyone...

Two dice, a pencil and an eraser are the only accessories you will need for this adventure.

YOU alone will decide which route to take, which risks to run and which creatures to fight. Good luck...

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Book titleL'Oeil D'Emeraude
Edition nameV3 | 1st print
Original titleEye of the Dragon
Publication date2007-01
ISBN 102070573222
ISBN 139782070573226

L'ISBN en page des achevé d'imprimer est erroné et ne renvoi à aucun livre connu. C'est en fait un mélange entre l'ISBN 10 et l'ISBN 13.

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