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L’archipel des cyclopes


A solo adventure of L' ŒIL NOIR , for a level 5 to 10 player.

The Necklace of the Gods, a necklace made up of twelve magic amulets, never reached the temple of Praios: the ship which brought it from Nostria has, in fact, disappeared body and goods in the archipelago of the Cyclopes, and the noise short that the twelve amulets would now be scattered. The High Priest of Praios has promised a large reward to the hero who brings them to him. Because evil beings must not take possession of them at any price: the twelve amulets together give whoever possesses them a fantastic power...

This adventure can be played by all the Heroes who have read the Book of Rules contained in the box entitled Introduction to the Adventure Game . It will be even more exciting with Rulebook II .

Translation by Google Translate

Book titleL’archipel des cyclopes
Edition nameV1c
Original titleDas Geheimnis der Zyklopen
Publication date1988-10-10
ISBN 102070333396
ISBN 139782070333394
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