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Les sept coupes magiques


A group adventure of L' ŒIL NOIR for 3 to 5 players level 1 to 4.

An old legend tells that there was once in Aventuria a great magic sword called Septimius. To prevent this sword from falling into the hands of dark forces, the Magicians of Aventurie melted its metal from which they made seven magic cups which they hid in various places in the country. However; over the centuries, the dark forces have seized the cups one after another. Only one lacks them. If they find it, the remelted sword will be in their possession. A tough task for the heroes to oppose this!

This book is intended for a Master of the BLACK EYE . which will play 3 to 5 Heroes. The prior reading of the Book of Rules contained in the Initiation to the Adventure Game box is essential to carry out this adventure.

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Book titleLes sept coupes magiques
Edition nameV1c
Original titleDie sieben magischen Kelche
Publication date1986-05-05
ISBN 102070333256
ISBN 139782070333257
Si l'on se fie a l'édition originale Allemande, cette aventure à été écrite par Claus Lenthe et non pas J.D Lawrence tel que proposé par la couverture.
In the same serie