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Le Livre des aventures


You have read the Book of Rules , and you now know your new world: Adventure.

The Book of Adventures aims to make you put into practice the rules of THE BLACK EYE Thanks to Alric, first trying to unlock the secret of the parchment of Graybeard - terrible captain -, then launching in pursuit of the pirates who kidnapped the seductive Silvana, you will embark on a solo adventure, and a group adventure that you will experience with your friends.

Whether you are the Master of the BLACK EYE or one of his heroes, good luck in the merciless fights that await you, against Goblins, Orcs and other formidable opponents!

Translation by Google Translate

Book titleLe Livre des aventures
Edition nameV1C | 1st print
Original titleDas Buch der Abenteuer
Publication date1985-11-13

Le 4è de couverture de cette impression diffère des autres impressions. En effet, il y a un rectangle blanc (sans doute destiné au code barre). Cet élément aura été retiré sans doute parce que le livre des aventures n'était vendu qu'en coffret.

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