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Les spectres des marais


Fearsome are the marshes and swamps of Adventure. There are many evil beings who reign supreme there. Only an adventurer as intrepid as YOU could dare to face the fearsome Diggers and solve the mystery of the disappearance of the caravans.

Two BLACK EYE adventures , one alone for a level 1 to 5 Hero, and the other for a Master who will play 3 to 5 level 1 to 5 Heroes . Initiation to the Adventure Game box is essential to carry out   these two missions, which will be even more exciting with the Rule Book II of the Adventure Game Extension set.

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Book titleLes spectres des marais
Edition nameV1C | 1st print
Original titleDer Zug durch das Nebelmoor
Publication date1986-11-04
ISBN 102070333760
ISBN 139782070333769
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