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Le navire des âmes perdues


A group adventure of L' ŒIL NOIR for 3 to 8 players level 1 to 3.

A great black ship sets sail for Adventure Her crew: Demons, Pirates, Mercenaries and Monsters, whose mission is to submit the country to the tyranny of Mordor, the servant of the Dark Powers, by the mage of the Diamond of Souls.

There is only one way to save Aventurie: destroy the evil Diamond that is hidden on board the dark ship. Will you be able to thwart the diabolical traps that will be set for you, and defeat the Demons that are watching you?

This book is intended for a Master of the BLACK EYE . which will play 3 to 8 Heroes. The prior reading of the Book of Rules contained in the Initiation to the Adventure Game box is essential to carry out this adventure.

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Book titleLe navire des âmes perdues
Edition nameV1C | 1st print
Original titleDas Schiff der verlorenen Seelen
Publication date1986-05-12
ISBN 102070333426
ISBN 139782070333424

Si l'on se fie a l'édition originale Allemande, cette aventure à été écrite par Claus Lenthe et non pas J.D Lawrence tel que proposé par la couverture.

In the same serie