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Le fleuve du désastre


A group adventure of L' ŒIL NOIR for 3 to 5 players level 5 to 10.

A fearsome murderer prowls around the river: this is what the Heroes will learn who have gathered in a tavern in Ferdok, a small port located on the upper course of the Great River. And when they are hired by Captain Ulfaran to provide security on his ship, the Star of Havena , they will not think that their most formidable enemy does not

will not be the pirates and other brigands attracted by the rich travellers...

This book is intended for a Master of the BLACK EYE knowing perfectly the rules of Adventure . He will play 3 to 5 Heroes. The prior reading of the Book of Rules contained in the Initiation to the Adventure Game box is essential to carry out this adventure.

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Book titleLe fleuve du désastre
Edition nameV1C | 1st print
Original titleDer Strom des Verderbens
Publication date1985-11-13
ISBN 10207033323X
ISBN 139782070333233
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