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Voyage of Terror


Avalon is under attack. The Saxon hordes are advancing against the kingdom and the magic sword Excalibur, defender of the realm, has vanished. But a freak accident of Merlin's magic transports you to ancient Greece — far from the desperate battle against the invaders...

Cast adrift aboard a vessel of dazzling gold and stripped of your weapons and magic spells, you must confront a host of hideous enemies. Can you overcome the gigantic, one-eyed Cyclops, the loathsome Harpy, the hammer-wielding Vulcan, and the animated corpse of a rotting Mummy - and then navigate your way through Time back to Avalon?

This Grailquest fantasy adventure gamebook will put your role-playing skills to the ultimate test, for only the most powerful heroes will survive the Voyage of Terror...

Book titleVoyage of Terror
Edition nameUK | 1st print
Original titleVoyage of Terror
Publication date1985
ISBN 100006924956
ISBN 139780006924951
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