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The Walls of Spyte


Steam belches up into a slate-grey sky from a splintered gash in the world's crust. This is the terrible abyss they call the Cauldron, and through the pall of vapour rising from its depths you can make out a city of fused obsidian atop a slender pinnacle of rock.

These are the ruins of Spyte, the city of magicians where no mortal has trod in centuries. The ultimate mysteries of creation were unlocked here. Secrets to unmake reality and forge a new universe-for good or evil.

As you draw near to the lip of the chasm, is that the arctic wind you hear howling through the ruins - or is it the sound of demonic laughter?

This is the collector's edition of the fifth and final Blood Sword book issued in a limited print run exclusive to Kickstarter backers.

Book titleThe Walls of Spyte
Edition nameUK | Fabled Lands Publishing
Original titleThe Walls of Spyte
Publication date2019
ISBN 101909905909
ISBN 139781909905900
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